Monday, July 15, 2013

Movie Ideas??

I don't think I'll have a proper outline for this, but some brain storming will have to do.

Idea 1:

Legit narration, life story so far, events in my life, what came for better and for worse, the way I am today and the reasons for it.
(Probably too deep)

Idea 2:

Comical narration, how I'm terrible in  public, awkward, and anti-social; how I get through life with such traits, and how it just makes things worse but kinda funny.
(Probably a little stupid)

Idea 3:

Poem, description of feeling, telling a story, an imaginative adventure? an inside feeling? Maybe about hopes? Dreams? How reality ruins it all? ( going deep again) outlandish but relatable, do some cool expressive stuff,
effects if possible.
(Probably really good, I just don't know how to do it)

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